Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Professional Librarian Goals - FY 2011

After talking with a coworker about the ECC library vision and mission, I realized that I hadn't been acting strategically and working toward my goals as a professional. So, I looked up my review from 10/21/10 and found that I had accomplished some of my goals but not all of them.

Review of these goals and plan to accomplish more before making new ones for FY2012

1) Learned Jing and created three library tutorials
2) Read much of the "Craft of Research" book

1) Learn more about ECC programs, curriculum, and student activities.
2) Watch Lynn teach more and maybe team teach
3) Read Learner-Centered Teaching and Renaissance Generation

1) LOEX Conference or another closer and less expensive - have 1-2 days each semester???
2) Keep up by reading more library literature and blogs
3) Learn Captivate and do tutorials - 1) MLA in-text citations, 2) searching ProQuest

Monday, June 20, 2011

Spring 2011 ECC College Convocation

Friday, January 14, 2011 - Speaker Notes

Dr. Sam
11,031 student enrolled 1/13/11
24 million in financial aid
Tutoring 11,671 visits

Mr. Delatorro McNeal
Inner G - Gratitude. He makes a list every morning of gratitude items.
Celebrate yourself - the rest of your life is the best of your life
You'll crash if you focu on your rearview mirror
The best is inside - All success is an inside-out job
It's easy to better your best because your best is based on your past
Your "network" determines your net worth so ask who is mentoring & coaching you
Achieving the Dream = Think=Minds; Believe=Hearts; Do=Action

Power Principle #1 Step-Up Your Attitude
1) Change your thinking change your life - we don't dislike change, we just dislike change that's inconveinient at the time.
2) Crisis = a dangerous opportunity,
3) Applied knowledge is power and information w/o application only leads to frustration.
4) Win/Lose is wrong attitude. Think Win/Learn as we learn through loss.
5) Don't attach negativity to actions of the brain will avoid them
6) Cause vs. Effect. Choice is yours, Just because its happening in the world doesn't mean it will happen in your world, i.e. economic downturn
7) Design vs. Default - Your friends are God's way of apologizing for your family. Put intelligent & goal oriented people in your life on purpose. Put people in your life who aren't satisfied with your present so you will be challenged.
8) Abundance vs. Scarcity - be very careful who you tell your good news with - people who pour ice water on your ideas and aren't happy for you aren't good. Start being more abundant mentally, as you will attract that to yourself. My mind is like fertile farmland. It's only job is to harvest whatever I plant.
9) Honey vs. Kryptonite - all attitudes are contagious. Is your worth catching? Film actor, Denzel Washington (?) when asked which was his best film - My best one is my next one.

Power Principle #2 - Step up your Vision
A vision is something that has you. When you blue sky, what do you see? See something more powerful than what meets the eye. Television tells a lie to your vision, not happy with what you have what have is never enouh.

Power Principle #3 - Step-Up Leadership
Vulture = waiting for negative

Chicken - flies 4 feet off ground only (not an eagle)
Turkey - talk good but do nothing but gobble
Parrot - copy cat and mimic and not original
Eagles - fly alone or with other eagles and odn't sacrifice attitude to fly lower with others

Final Thoughts -
Always do more than you're paid to do - not always moey but your character that is important.
Think Profoundly
Believe Sincerely
Do Consistently

Connecting Mind and Body for Healthy Living
Presenter ComPsych

  • Exercise more strenuosly to get more endorphins

  • Establish an exercise pattern, i.e. after breakfast or before lunch 10-11:00-Mon/Wed/Fri

  • Tense your body and then relax it, i.e. think about something distressing to you and notice the distress felt in the body. Stand up and clench your fists and shrug your shouders, etc. No let go. Breathe deeply and allow your muscles to relax completely. Repeat.

  • Get 7-9 hours sleep and have a regular routine

  • Eat things with Omega-3 fatty acids, walnuts and fish, etc.

  • Do something quickly to elevate your mood, i.e. count quickly, run somewhere


  1. Work hard as an example in the library

  2. Deepen connections - stop undue socializing/banal conversation and learn to ask questions that go deeper

  3. Throw off perfectionism

  4. Work through Markus Buckingham Strengths Finder materials

  5. Fnd people and friends that challenge me - who is mentoring & coaching me

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Information Literacy Summit - Moraine Valley Community College


KEYNOTE - “The Creativity Dynamic for Today’s Library”
Randy Hensley, Head of Reference, Newman Library, Baruch College, City University of New York.

1. About starting in an unusual place
2. About solving problems
3. About not having pre-determined rules

Who are my creative heroes?

Brain laterality
Goal is to connect the two hemispheres and think of ways to allow the right brain to be involved. Think of sensory experiences, more iterative process with struggles, stops & starts
1. Left – giving meaning, analysis, language, logic
2. Right – emotions, intuition, images stored,

Margit Misangyi Watts – 4 Channels to get information to solve problems
1. Experience – consider analogous but not identical experience
2. Observation – sensory awareness & add empathy
3. Authority – voices of others, what would dog do?
4. Reflection – analytical or reflective – What if? I wonder?

Daniel Pink “A Whole New Mind” and “Drive”
We need to be a whole lot more creative, nimble & create environments for wok as a place for play and artistry.Information Age has led to the Conceptual Age

Conceptual Age
· wants clear purpose, intrinsic motivation, clear meaning.
· high concept products – what is motivating narrative?
· higher touch – motivate ourselves & look beyond common place to find purpose
· More emotion & beauty need to be present
· Detecting patterns and opportunities
· Empathy, play, meaning, design, symphony, etc.
· Less important - Function & efficiency and not primarily source of solutions

Key Take Aways
· Design – beautiful, emotionally engaging
· Story – compelling narrative
· Symphony – synthesis, big picture
· Empathy – understand diverse people & care about them
· Play – games, not just sobriety, laughter

Ideo at Stanford University – must have different voices in the room (get their app)

1) What does creativity look like in your context?
2) What does creativity look like in different contexts?
3) How will you change what you do or think after today?
4) What can we do next as a broad community?

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Plagiarism - Who wrote it anyway?

If you read the following NYT article Plagiarism Lines Blur for Students in Digital Age you will start to understand why so many students don't see the error of plagiarism. 40% admit to having borrowed other's words, and only 29% say that copying from the web is "serious cheating" per a study of 14,000 undergraduate surveyed 2006-2010 by "Donald L. McCabe, a co-founder of the Center for Academic Integrity and a business professor at Rutgers University." (See NYT article) Image taken from - - Was using this graphic legal??? (My idea)

Sure the above quote is common knowledge, i.e. the person's position and affiliation with said organization, but I too copied and pasted it verbatim, as it was what I need to attribute the statistics . . . at least I gave the attribution, right? (My idea)

Per the NTY article students can readily find the stuff they need online, yet because it isn't a physical entity it seems to immediately belong to them to manipulate and use as needed. Even if this was a physical entity, the fact that there is often no clear author or authority behind the information found, i.e. Wikipedia, means that it seems to be fair game for usage without attribution.

Furthermore our world seems to be changing from the era of the 60s where uniqueness and authenticity was valued to an era in which students rather want to try on "many different personas" - "MyWord!: Plagiarism and College Culture" by Susan Blum.

The result to this modern information soceity is that we can't tell who did what, said what, or wrote what anymore. All of course is not a loss, as we are recreating things and connecting in various ways with the information. Ways we never could have imagined before. (My idea)

Notice my own week attempt to attribute ideas in this post - at least I tried!

I.e. these ideas are not my own, apart from the ones I noted as (My idea).

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Undergraduate Research Engine

I've found the following customized google search tool useful for helping to narrow the results to more quality resources for undergraduate research.

Start using the Undergraduate Research Engine. So far I've been thrilled with the results. A student shortened the url in my Library Instruction class to

Thanks go to David Dillard, a reference librarian at Temple University, for creating this cutomized search box. I read about this on his yahoo group, NetGold and have contacted him regarding how this tool was created, i.e. what limiters he set up.