Oops, I see I haven't posted here in quite some time. What has happened? Well, it has been a busy time these past few months - In July I had a Birthday Benefit Bash and raised $1000 for Breakthrough Urban Ministries - a homeless ministry in East Garfield Park, Chicago, IL. Some friends and colleagues from Merit School of Music and I performed everything from the Vivaldi Concerto for Two Trumpets, to Gershwin, and Indie pop. The concert took place at the Lincoln Park Cultural center and we had an audience of around 40 people. Then in August I moved to a larger apartment in alas, the suburbs of Chicago, but only a short green line train away in Oak Park/River Forest.
Finally, over the past couple months I've been revisiting my Masters level research on the Russian composer, contemporary of Stravinsky, Arthur Lourie 1891-1966. By the end of the year I plan to have an article submitted for publication and at this point I'm planning on sending it first to "Notes" which is the Music Library Association's journal.
Alas, I've missed you Web 2.0 project, but now I see the new fad is a project called "Library 101." I don't want you to miss out, so check out the video/photo/song produced by some crazy librarians at http://www.libraryman.com/library101/